Home News 1 in 6 millennials have $100,000 saved—here’s how much you should have...

1 in 6 millennials have $100,000 saved—here’s how much you should have at every age



The numbers in the article may seem daunting, but it’s better to have a goal and not meet it, than to spend without an eye to the future.  When talking finances with most people (not just millennials), many people feel like the future is very far off, while losing out on the best years of investing of their lives. The compound gains in the first 10 years will be roughly equal to the 30 years of gains by starting in year 11 instead.  Start living below your means now and retire securely.

Are you on track?

Source: 1 in 6 millennials have $100,000 saved—here’s how much you should have at every age