Home News Millennials Grab Snap Shares – MoneyBeat – WSJ

Millennials Grab Snap Shares – MoneyBeat – WSJ


Well, yesterday’s kids, who never knew a stock market crash, are piling into Snap shares.  They say we don’t learn from history.  People, today,  are inundated with media and social media, so do they even have time to research history?  The last line of the story:

“She doesn’t do much investing generally, citing student loans and the high cost of living in the Bay Area, but got excited by the talk of the IPO. One promising sign of the company’s growth prospects, she said: Even her parents are using it now.”

That’s the extent of her fundamental analysis?  There will be blood on Wall Street, soon.

Read More: Millennials Grab Snap Shares – MoneyBeat – WSJ